The Crafti Bug

The Crafti Bug
The Cafti Bug

Saturday, July 18, 2015

To Blog, or Not to Blog?

The age old question has been; "To be, or not to be?" However today the question seems to be; "To blog, or not to blog?" In reality it is easier not to blog, as it seems some blogs are full of irrelevant information. Others are full of really valuable gems but are written in a way that has no appeal to their intended audience... possibly as I'm doing now!

Value is derived from the content and each person may respond very differently to the content. We do not always interpret what we read the same way and subtle nuances may lead to quite a different understanding. For example, I laugh when I drive down the road and see a road sign saying " Seal Repairs." The context of the situation tells me that the road surface (the seal) is in need of maintenance (repair). However, if I lived near Kaikoura, (New Zealand) where seals have been venturing onto the road, someone may think that their had been a terrible accident and that the aquatic creature was requiring some medical treatment. It is a bit far fetched, but our English language has so many quirks that if the context isn't well defined the meaning can be misconstrued.

Example 2.
He said with a cheesy grin, "Take the old bag out."

Without any context, we have no meaning from this statement. The old bag... what is it?
Saying that in a room with your land-lord's wife present, may land you in a spot of trouble. She may think you were insulting her. Your cheesy grin may also mean that you took delight in it, and so adding further insult to injury. But what if you were eating your lunch and the melted cheese was dribbling down your chin and you asked a colleague to take out an old bag of tools? The meaning is considerably different and there is no insult.

So does blogging add value to the reader? Only when the context is right!