The Crafti Bug

The Crafti Bug
The Cafti Bug

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

No News is Good News?

Still water if left too long becomes impossible to drink. Likewise a blog site left too long without something fresh becomes uninviting.

After 3 months at the helm of The Crafti Bug we are ironing out a number of our initial teething issues and we are looking forward to the future with considerable excitement. In April 2012 The Crafti Bug changed hands and in the process flew from Auckland to Darfield... quite a way for a little bug!!! However since it has been in Darfield it has started to go through a few minor changes. However since early June The Crafti Bug made a choice to pupate and though it is still live, there is something special going on in the wings.... The Crafti Bug is going to be re-launched with a whole new look. The same great products, with some extras, but easier to find and more to look at. We are also adding in some extra features, which will make it easier for you to find out what we are doing, or what specials are coming your way.

So what is going to happen here? What is a blog site about? A blog is somewhere that you can exchange ideas. We would like to make The Crafti Bug Blog site a place where you can get tips and ideas, or even try a few different science experiments. Occasionally we might throw in some news of exciting new products, but primarily we would like this to be a place where you can post your ideas or obtain ideas that fit with craft and education.