Have you ever thought to yourself, 'what am I doing here?'.. well I did..
Where was I at the time? I was sitting at a craft market watching people pass me by, my wares that I'd spent hours pain-stakingly making displayed on a table in front of me. I'd poured literally blood, sweat and tears into these crafts and there I was sitting, smiling, hoping someone would buy them.
Don't get me wrong, I did sell a few things but not enough for me to stand back and say, I'm proud of myself, and 'I did that!!'... I was sitting there instead of spending time with my children and family for very little reward.
My daughter then started having some bad dreams, these dreams were waking her up at night. I stumbled across a craft kit to make a dream catcher in a shop one day. I bought it thinking it might help convince her that a bad dream is just that. My daughter saw this kit, and decided that she'd love to help me make it for her, so the two of us sat down and away we went.
This sparked an idea, why reinvent the wheel when there are so many great craft kits already out there for parents and children to bond over and have fun with. Why not share this experience with others? I thought... this one thought moved me into the direction I now find myself. The birth if you like of The Crafti Bug, a website specialising in cool crafts for kids (young and old!!).
I've started this blog to share the projects available on my site with you, I'm going to have a go at making these kits as well, so would love to share comments and thoughts so invite you all to come on this journey with me, and let's have some fun!